Placement Cell


Incrementum, the annual career and internship fair organized by the Placement Cell of Daulat Ram College, is held with great zeal and enthusiasm. The fair provides students with a platform to explore various career opportunities and secure jobs and internships with reputed organizations. Vriddhi has successfully conducted 6 versions of Incrementum.

Incrementum witnesses substantial participation from students, highlighting their eagerness to explore career prospects and secure internships. Over 800 students register for the fair annually, creating a vibrant and competitive environment. The event attracts the participation of 40+ companies across various industries. Some notable companies that were onboarded include Tech Mahindra, Newzera, FinOak, Unschool, EigoPaathshala etc.

Incrementum also features a series of career guidance sessions conducted by industry experts. These sessions include workshops, resume-building sessions, mock interviews, and guest lectures from industry professionals. They cover a wide range of topics, including industry trends, job market insights, and professional development strategies. The experts provide valuable guidance and advice to help students make informed career choices and navigate the competitive job market successfully.

Incrementum 6.0 was successfully organized on the 27th and 28th of March, albeit virtually. This two-day program recorded the highest CTC going up to 5 LPA and the highest stipend shooting as high as 15k per month. A Pre- Incrementum event was chosen as a CV Building Session conducted through Zoom on 24th March 2023. Day 1 of Incrementum 6.0 initiated with a Speaker Conclave where our invited speaker gave a lecture on the theme "Importance of Balance between Success and Happiness".
